
Science at Harrisdale Primary School is a key learning area taught as a specialist subject for Pre-Primary to Year Two. Years Three to Six have Science delivered by their classroom teacher.

The Science curriculum provides our students with ways to explore and gain a greater understanding of the world. Students are encouraged to think critically and creatively to explore different ideas. They make predictions about the topic they are investigating and learn to express their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways. Each term, we focus our planning, teaching and assessment on a different area of the Western Australian Curriculum. The strands are Biological Science, Chemical Science, Earth and Space Science and Physical Science. The Australian Curriculum supports students to develop the scientific knowledge, understandings and skills needed to make informed decisions about local, national and global issues and to join science-related careers.

Science lessons at Harrisdale Primary School follow explicit teaching of the Western Australian Curriculum and the Harrisdale Lesson Design.  Students are familiar with this approach, starting each lesson with a warm up to revisit key facts, definitions and ideas of content they have learnt during the term.  The activities created in Science are hands-on, where students can investigate and inquire about the subject being explored.  Where possible, digital technologies such as iPads are utilised as a tool for research and to create/share work.

A Science specialist in the junior years allows opportunities for a hands-on learning environment. Harrisdale Primary School has a consistent, explicit approach to teaching Science Inquiry in the middle and uppers years through the use of Scitech Investigation Planners. An emphasis on Science Inquiry develops the ability of students to use a range of scientific inquiry methods, including questioning; planning and conducting experiments and investigations based on ethical principles; collecting and analysing data; evaluating results; and drawing critical, evidence-based conclusions.

Sustainability is a cross-curricular priority in all learning areas, but especially in Science. To educate our students to develop the knowledge, skills and values that help them contribute to a more sustainable global future we:

  • are a Wastewise school
  • have installed worm farms to encourage and teach about composting
  • set up a Garden Club growing vegetables and other plants
  • promote recycling of different materials